Tuesday 8 September 2009

My Mercury's in Retrograde.

See what I did there? It's the [Barclycard] Mercury Prize tonight in case you've had your head in a bucket of water for the last week.
I'm not going to lie to you, I'm a rubbish muso, I've only listened to two of the nominated albums. You can guess which ones if you like. I should probably try to Spotify whoever wins.
Reckon Bat For Florence Roux are in with a good shot considering the current music scene. Speech Debelle seems like the good "outsider" guess too.

Personally I'd like the Horrors to win, like Klaxons two years ago they are considered somewhat of a scenester band. But the new album has gained them some sort of muso cred and now they're "ok to like". Yeah? I've always liked the Horrors, it was love at first listen (admittedly I tried not to listen to them for a while because they looked like twats). They are also fantastic live, although I feel the old material fares better than the more ambient stuff on the new album. It also seems that they're going for the look of a shoegaze band, rather than some emo pin ups (not that appearances should impair our judgement of them at all).
Still, Friendly Fires might win. Everyone likes them. Or Kasabian, though to be honest I think they should stick to their Oasis/Mondays sub-Madchester schpeil rather than growing long hair and trying to be "authentic" (take notes here Alex Turner).

Anyway, I'm babbling. Just pray that the Invisible don't win. Although maybe I'm being a little harsh. Being sandwiched between Future of the Left and Pulled Apart by Horses isn't going to fare well for anyone's live reputation.

Finally, it seems of late that this has become a music blog, although I would like to refrain from calling it that because the second I try and have a "music blog" it fails terribly. I did make all the band names BOLD like NME though, LOLZ!
And on a definite final note, none of the nominated albums are on my "albums of the year" list. More on that in a few months though, I guess.

Peace. Oh and I'll be back tomorrow because I promised a certain local band I'd review them here...

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