Monday, 14 September 2009


As you probably know I've been an avid fan of everything that comes out of Charlie Brooker's brain since I could pick up a Guardian weekend supplement.
Today's G2 column might just be his finest work (apart from his guide to love, obviously). Illegal downloaders like me are not thieves, we're just music junkies, desperate for a fix.
I love the man. I just had to shield my eyes while he dissed Damo Hirst :'(


  1. For such a cynic, Charlie repeatedly stands up for us students. You think it's impossible to ACTUALLY love him more and then he writes a piece like that.
    Have to agree on Hirst though, he is a tosser. 'Pharmacy' is a load of bullshit.

  2. Oh I love Damo. I'm an art school tosser though. He might not make good art but he sure knows how to make big money.
